
Genesis 3:6-24
Why is this world the way it is? (part 2)

God had a perfect design in mind for the world when He created it and one day the world will be made right again. Until then, we live with brokenness caused by the effects of choosing our own way instead of God's.

From the beginning of time, God knew that we wouldn't be able to maintain his design our own and Jesus' life, death, and resurrection would be the key to returning back to God's perfect design.


Life application:

When God asked Adam and Eve what they had done, both of them responded with blaming others for their decision. They deflected their responsibility and tried to rationalize their actions.

This week, consider areas in your life where you've tried reacted the same.

Is there something you're trying to deflect?

Someone you've been blaming?

Are you rationalizing your actions instead of turning back to God?


Jesus offers a better way.