
Matthew 7:1-12
Does Jesus want you to be judgy?

The Sermon on the Mount is filled with some convicting teachings from Jesus. While it may sting a little bit, the purpose isn't meant to bring us shame but to help us analyze our lives and consider things we need to address. This week's is no different.

Jesus said before we judge someone else's wrongdoing, we need to examine ourselves. This doesn't mean that we are to withhold judgment in every circumstance, but there is a process we need to be willing to go through before calling out someone else's mess.

At the end of this section, Jesus tells us to remember the "golden rule" - do to others whatever you'd like them to do to you.

While receiving correction or judgment can be unpleasant, when done with patience, humility, and care, it can be an act of love.

Is there someone close to you that you need to have a hard conversation with? Ask God to help you look inward and prepare your own heart. Pray for wisdom and guidance as you enter into the conversation.