
Matthew 5:33-48
Loving Difficult People

Nobody said it was easy... 

Being a follower of Jesus means that the way we love people (even and especially people who are difficult) is different from the way the world talks about loving people. 

1. We are to love beyond our own feelings. Love isn't a feeling, it's a decision we make. Even when we don't like it, we keep loving. 

2. We are to love people even when we disagree with or disapprove of what they're doing.  Whether in terms of social issues or political views, we have the opportunity to show others a love that goes beyond superficial differences. 

3. We are to seek the good of others. This begins with praying for others so that our hearts are softened towards them and we see them the way God sees them. 


This kind of love takes practice. Identify a person in your life that you find difficult to love. Be intentional this week to apply these principles in your interactions with them.