‘In the beginning the Word was with God, and the Word was God’ (John 1:1). ‘The virgin will bear a child— Immanuel (God with us)’ (Matt 1:23). The Word who was with God in the beginning has become God with us! Prophets had been dreaming about ‘God with us’ for generations—longing for the time it would be so. What do you dream of this Christmas? Read Isaiah 9:1-4. Do you dream of a life enlarged by God? A life filled with joy? A life where the burdens are lifted, and the slave-driver is no more? The angel of the Lord spoke to Joseph in three dreams in Matthew 1-2. The message in the first was ‘Don’t be afraid.’ The second, ‘Get up! Leave…’ The third, ‘Get up! Return…’ Questions: What are you afraid of this Christmas? What do you need to leave behind this Christmas? What do you need to come home to this Christmas?