We belong to the God who knows the end—from the beginning. In fact, He knew the end BEFORE the beginning. That’s how Omniscience and Sovereignty work. The thing I keep seeing, as we look at the ‘altar-builders’ in scripture, is how God keeps bringing us full-circle. That’s the Joseph story (Genesis 37-50). The God who promised once keeps His promise all the way. There’s a line that Joseph heard his father Jacob embrace: I will build an altar to God, who answered me in the day of my distress and who has been with me wherever I have gone." Genesis 35:3 We’re going to worship around the fact that God keeps answering—even in the day of your distress, and stays right there with you wherever you may go. Do you have stories of how God has been with you? Sometimes you can’t see it until you’re looking in the rearview mirror…