Jonah: Part 1
If you've heard of Jonah from the Bible, your mind might immediately jump to a big fish or whale... but there's actually much more to the story. We invite you to read this short book throughout our 4 week series and continually ask yourself, "Am I being like Jonah?" as you read.
Here's a few key points from our 1st week:
1. You are often not 1 BIG decision away from God, but instead 1 small downward step after another.
2. Your sin and disobedience doesn't just affect you, it impacts other people, too.
3. Your sin and disobedience to God never leads you to where you want to go.
4. God may send storms your way because He is compassionately pursuing you to turn to Him!
Are you running from God? Where is God trying to get your attention so you will repent and turn to Him?