What Jesus Did

On Monday we kick-off Vacation Bible School- our biggest event of the year. First of all, thank you to everyone who is helping out. It's going to be a great week!


Our hope for VBS is that everyone involved (whether it's the kids, parents, or volunteers) experiences Jesus in such a way that they take the next step God is calling them to take. That next step may be deciding to follow Jesus or being baptized. For others, it may be growing in their commitment to Jesus. 


On Night 2 of VBS, one of the stories the kids will be learning is found in the Gospel of John chapter 11 when Jesus raises his friend Lazarus from the dead. It's such a cool story for our kids to hear about, but it's also a story that doesn't let us stay neutral when it comes to who Jesus is and what he did. Given what Jesus says about himself and the claims of him raising a dead man- it just doesn't allow us that option. 
