"Rejoice in the Lord, always."
"Let your gentleness be evident to all."
"The peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-9
Join me in this prayer: "God, please pour your love over my life! Please restore to me the joy of your salvation! Please bring your peace into and over me! I'm sorry for the impatience that has invaded the most important relationships in my life. I'm sorry for the lack of kindness that has marked my interactions. I'm sorry when the goodness I want to walk in is replaced with harsh bitterness and anger. I choose a life of thanks by choosing to live in faithfulness to my God, my people, and my commitments. I choose a life of thanks by choosing a life of gentleness regardless of the disappointments, frustrations, or confusion that intrudes on me. I choose a life of thanks by choosing self-control when everything in me wants to lash out and demand my own way."
There's a line from Paul that says "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation." Philippians 4:12
We're going to unpack that secret. You need to know this secret.
I love you, and I LOVE Being Your Pastor!