"God became personal to me when I was ten years old. My grandmother watched my brother, sister and me while mom and dad were at work and in the summers. Her church was just next door, so we spent a lot of time hearing about God. I remember standing in her kitchen praying the Lord’s Prayer and reciting the 23rd Psalm before heading off to school. Her faith was so matter of fact that we assumed that everyone knew Christ.
It was in February 1963, while at church with her, that I knelt down at her pew and prayed for Christ to save me. She was right there beside me, praying and asking God for strength. Later that year while at VBS, I was baptized.
Like so many of my generation, life soon happened and my walk was not providing the best picture of Christ. But God who is never far from His children (since He never leaves us) would not let go of me. When I was fifteen, He brought a pastor into the life of my family and once again God became personal to me in a mighty way. In fact, over the decades since that encounter, God has shown himself to be very interested in my life. He has brought other men and women of faith into my life to help guide and pray for me.
If you ever wonder if God is personal, or if you think you can’t be personal with Him, take His words to heart. Proverbs 3:5-6 says 'Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths'. God has a plan for your life. And that is very personal indeed."