A defining characteristic of a believer is HOPE. But hope can be hard to come by. Hope can feel foolish ornaïve. It may seem that hope is for people who just don’t understand what’s really going on. You can find a million reasons to lose hope. Your Hope-deficit may be as big as geo-political breakdown, or cultural brokenness. Maybe as intimate as your own diagnosis, or the miscarriage you can’t get past. Maybe your reasons are generations old, or maybe they’re as fresh as the news you just received.
Peter wrote to people who had every reason not to hope. They were scattered refugees in an exile world. But it was to these very people that he pronounced ‘grace and peace.’
Over the next several weeks we are going to hear Peter (1 Peter) invite people to hope again, and in doing so, to offer hope to the people we love.
I LOVE You, and I LOVE Being Your Pastor!