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Jesus came up out of the water…The Spirit of God came down…A voice from Heaven said, “This is MY SON, whom I love, with Him I am well-pleased.” (Matthew 3:16-17

Summer is the slipperiest time of the year—especially when the kids are small. You anticipate summer with such high hopes; rest, reconnect, have some downtime. But if you’re not careful Summer is all spoken for before it even begins.

What if you could decide ahead of time not to let it slip through your fingers? What if you could seize the moment to hear from God, and come back stronger, healthier, healed?

This Sunday we’ll start a 3-part series from Matthew 3, 4, and 5. We’ll follow Jesus to the water, the wilderness, and the mountains. Maybe it’ll help us take back the summer.

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I LOVE You, and I LOVE Being Your Pastor!
