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‘During his life on earth Jesus offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the One who could save him from death…’ (Hebrews 5:7)

Someone asked, ‘What kind of Christians do you dream of?’ Personalize it; What kind of Christian do you dream of being? What kind of Christians do we dream of growing in our new home?

Real… Authentic… Honest… Joyous… Resilient…Compassionate…

If the new way to know God is to know Him through Jesus, maybe the new way to talk to God should be to pray like Jesus.  So,… how did Jesus pray?

Jesus prayed real, ‘no holds barred’ prayers—complete with cries and tears, when needed.

Look at some of Jesus’ prayers from John 17, Matthew 26:36-46, and 6:9-13.

  1.  How have you been praying?

  2. Do you pray AT God, or TO God?

  3. What have you been too afraid, embarrassed, or tired to ask for?

We will be worshipping together this Sunday at 9:30 and 11. Please pre-register, max-up, and respect everyone’s social-distancing— we so want to care-well for the people we love…

We will be dropping the sermon video Sunday morning at 9:30 for those who aren’t able to join us at our new home. 

Keep watching your email and social media as we continue to move forward to see God’s Kingdom COME! 


I LOVE You, and I LOVE Being Your Pastor!

