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Growing up the first dog my family got was a little beagle puppy, who we affectionately named Spaz (maybe it wasn’t so affectionate?). Well, this little dog lived up to his name and he could do great damage. And it wasn’t long until my dad had enough and sent him to the farm…one of our neighbors up the road who trained dogs.


In our passage this Sunday, James 3:1-12, we’ll be looking at what James says about our tongues – something that is also small, but that can do great damage. But while the tongue can cause devastation, it can also be used for much good.


Hope to see you Sunday at either 9:30am or 11am, as we look at this passage that is so revealing and helpful when it comes to how we use our speech in our relationships with others.


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P.S. if you’re looking to get more connected, we’d love for you to attend our Next Steps lunch after the 11am service.