Are You Missing Out?

Romans 8 includes a list of blessings and promises for anyone who belongs to Christ.

> We are no longer condemned. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. You are not condemned for past sins, present sins or future sins. 

> We are free in Christ. No longer fearful of sin or death. 

> We have power over sin because of the Spirit of God

> Because of the work of the Spirit, we are growing into the image of Christ. We are growing and maturing in our faith. 

> We have been adopted into God’s family. No longer children of wrath, but children of God. 

> We have a new intimacy with God. We are invited to call God our Father.

> We have assurance of salvation. No longer do you need to doubt. If you have placed your faith in the finished work of Christ, you cannot lose your salvation. Rest in that assurance. 

> Though we will face suffering, we now live with hope in our future glory.  We will receive new glorified, sinless bodies and live in the new heaven and new earth where there will be no more sin, suffering, or death.  

> While we await our future glory, we know that the Spirit is praying for us, interceding for us while we groan in our suffering. 

> Before the creation of the world, God set his love on you. He called you to be forgiven of sin and to be with him for all eternity. 

> God is for you and nothing will separate you from his love. You are eternally secure. Rest in the assurance of your salvation.